Stop Putting Expiration Date On Your Abilities


It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that our abilities have an expiration date - that we are only capable of achieving certain things at certain times in our lives. However, this way of thinking is limiting and can hold us back from pursuing our goals and dreams.

One of the biggest myths about abilities is that they are fixed and cannot be improved upon. However, research has shown that our brains are incredibly adaptable and capable of learning and improving at any age. With dedication and practice, we can continue to develop and grow our skills and abilities throughout our lives.

Another reason not to put an expiration date on your abilities is that it can lead to a defeatist mindset. Believing that you are no longer capable of achieving certain things can lead to a lack of motivation and a willingness to give up on your goals. On the other hand, believing in your ability to improve and grow can give you the confidence and motivation to pursue your dreams.


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